Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning Workshops will help your organisation thrive with a growth plan that creates team engagement through key stakeholders, leadership, and accountability.
Let our team help enhance your organisation through a facilitated Strategic Planning Workshop.
In today’s world, you must be constantly updating and making the necessary changes to stay ahead of your competition. Every business is looking for a year-on-year growth and we have developed a program that can help you create change and focus for the next 1-3 year period.
To create change and diversity in your business you need industry experts to help you with your journey. This is especially the case if you are a family business, or a business looking to make changes to grow or expand. If you want to eventually sell your business, you need to create a succession plan internally (staff or family) or prepare your business for sale in the future and get the highest price by seeking the right advice from experts.
At KBA we are very passionate about taking businesses from good to great. We can help you with this process and assist you to achieve your business and personal goals. With competitive markets popping up everywhere, it’s better to be prepared and not delay this process. You will also be surprised just how much more motivated you will be working on your business!
What is Strategic Planning?
Strategic planning is about bringing your leadership team together to map out where you want your organisation to head over the next 3-5 years. Documenting your strategic plan where as a group, you commit deadlines on the key elements for change, growth and sustainability is KEY. It is also about who takes responsibility to do their part, ensuring the organisation not only minimises risk but also maximises sustainability. Strategic planning is perfect for a family business or an organisation that reports to a board of directors as it provides clarity and buy-in for WHY decisions are made for organisational growth.
Purpose of a Strategic Plan
The purpose of creating a strategic plan is to set goals for your organisation by having a solid plan to achieve them. We workshop and then work with you on 10 key areas for change and continuous improvement so your organisation reaches its potential. Developing an effective strategic plan for your organisation will take time if done properly, and it will provide you with a tangible document that you can refer back to, outlining the strategic goals, including who is responsible for the action items for your organisation.
This plan focuses on 10-key areas that need improvement, so your organisation can grow to its full potential and beyond.
10 Key Objectives for your Organisational Growth Plan
What we workshop:
- Mission, Vision, Purpose, and Values – Is this still relevant, or does it need refreshing to take your organisation to another level?
- Organisational Strategy – What does your organisation need to do or put in place that is going to continue its journey being linked to your growth plan?
- Financial Sustainability – Have revenue streams changed? What initiatives need to be targeted and actioned that will make your organisation more financially sustainable?
- Service Offerings – Are your service offerings still competitive? What can your organisation improve on or look at in bringing in new products and services and opening up new channels?
- People & Capability – Does your organisational chart need changing? What about recruitment and retention, succession planning, or training?
- Marketing Initiatives – Does your organisation have a solid marketing plan where everything is measured in achieving the outcomes and results needed for growth?
- Better Processes through Technology – Is your organisation tech-savvy with its processes as we live in a digital world where new technologies can enhance performance outcomes?
- ICT – Information, Communication, and Technology – Does your organisation have all the latest technology and IT support that will take your organisation to another level?
- Growth Strategy/Merger/Acquisitions – What is the plan to expand with your organisation? Is it growth through better performance, a merger, or an acquisition? What is on the radar?
- Compliance/Risk – Compliance is certain for every organisation to manage. How does your organisation minimise risk while maximising opportunities to expand?
All of the above is workshopped through Key Business Advisors’, Business Consultants. Our commitment is to get involved in assisting your organisation in getting to the next level of your goals and aspirations. Let our team help you enhance your organisation through a facilitated Strategic Planning Workshop.
KBA believes having a strategic plan in place will help with the overall performance of the business. Developing an effective Strategic Plan for your organisation will take time if done properly and will provide you with a tangible document that you can refer back to, outlining the strategic goals of your entire organisation at your fingertips.
Engage Key Business Advisors to facilitate a workshop for your next Strategic Plan where we look at key areas of what is working well and areas of improvement to take your organisation to the next level. Let us analyse and assess your past/ current strategic or business plan and tailor a strategic planning session that will assist in creating change and improvement for continuous improvement.
At Key Business Advisors, we like to get involved where we question, motivate and drive the necessary outcomes so your organisation can thrive with a growth plan that creates team engagement through key stakeholders, leadership, and accountability.
- Often large loans from the bank require a well-documented Strategic Plan
- If you wish to expand or grow your business, a strategic plan is needed to ensure the necessary steps are taken
- If you wish to sell your business in the future, a strategic plan will outline your exit strategy, ensuring you receive the best price worthy of your hard work and dedication
- If you wish to engage an Advisory Board in the future, they want to know everything about your company including the inputs and outputs and what is happening inside business such as the drivers, tools and internal functions that make your business tick on a daily basis.
2-Day Business Improvement Session for Terry Bros. Carpet Court – Strategic Planning and Management Training