EMDG Export Grant Consulting

What is EMDG

The Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) scheme is a key Australian Government financial assistance program for aspiring and current exporters. Administered by Austrade, the EMDG supports a wide range of industry sectors and products, including ICT, manufacturers, inbound tourism and the export of intellectual property and know-how outside Australia.

EMDG provides a 50% rebate on overseas marketing expense up to a limit of $40K, $80k or $150k as determined by your export status.

***EMDG has been helping Australian Exporters for over 40 years. There are many way to maximise your rebate – the most common way is to use an EMDG Consultant who is paid on success only.***

EMDG summary

  • Applicant must have under $20m turnover in prior year.
  • There will be annual lodgement periods to cover expenses in the upcoming financial year. All applicants must submit during this period, or you will miss out and you will have to wait till the following year.
  • There are three streams of grants Tier 1 (2 years), Tier 2 (3 years) and Tier 3 (3 years).
  • Each Tier has a different maximum rebate Tier 1 ($40,000), Tier 2 ($80,000), Tier 3 ($150,000).
  • Grant amounts will be determined by Austrade once all applications have been received and assessed. The value of your grant will be included in your grant agreement.
  • Payments will be made annually at nominated milestones dates.
  • Applicants are eligible for 8 EMDG grant years, inclusive of any grants applied for under the prior EMDG program.




Who is eligible for EMDG

To be eligible for EMDG you must be one of the following:

  • Australian individual
  • Partnership
  • Company
  • Association
  • Co-operative
  • Statutory corporation or
  • Trust

And intend to carry out export eligible promotion activities related to one of the following eligible products:

  • Goods
  • Services
  • Events
  • Software or
  • IP or know-how

EMDG deadlines for FY23 expenses

Applications to cover expenses from 1st July 2022 to 30th June 2023 are now closed.

Applications for Expenses from 1st July 2023 to 30th June 2024 will open sometime around May or June 2023.

In order to be prepared we can assist you with your documentation.

If successful you will recieve a Grant Agreement for the 2 or 3 year period.

Payments will be retrospective, after annual milestone report are submitted.

What expenses are eligible for EMDG

The following categories are eligible that realate to export marketing and sales promotion activities:

  1. Overseas representatitves
  2. Marketing trips from Australia
  3. Marketing consultants
  4. Free samples
  5. Trade shows
  6. Promotional and advertising expeneses (online and physical)
  7. Overseas trademarks and patents
  8. Foreign buyer visits
  9. Domestic travel to meet foreign buyers
  10. Training activities by approved training bodies

EMDG tiers

EMDG payments are capped by Tier however Austrade may reduce the maximum amount depending on number of applicants and the total funding available.

EMDG evidence and documentation

You will need to:

  • Have a registered ABN
  • Demonstrate principal status for the export products and evidence that income comes back to Australia
  • Evidence that your goods / services/ know how is made in Australia, or if you have goods made outside Australia show that Australia will derive a significant net benefit from its sale overseas
  • Provide evidence that you have paid for expenses claimed, including invoices bank statements and contracts.
  • Provide a PLAN TO MARKET which will including a budget projection for the duration of your grant agreement

Ineligible expenses

The following are not eligible:

  • Expenses that have been been reimbused by other entities
  • Exempt activities
  • Expenses that cannot be supported by evidence
  • Holiday travel
  • Packaging design
  • Commissions on sale

How can EMDG consultants help you

Treadstone’s EMDG Consultants have been helping clients with EMDG preparation, applications and audits since 2008. There are many variations of what is and isn’t eligible and how you can evidence your claim. Working with us means you will get the maximum rebate you are entitled to with minimum risk and effort.

We can assist with writing your Plan to Market and documentation to support products not made in Australia.

We provide advice for forward planning your marketing with the key goal of maximising your rebate.

To find out more please contact us on (03) 9008 5937 or email us.