Free yourself from the pains and
countless hours of complying with your
Accounting and Bookkeeping
Accounting Services
TrendStatic Business Solutions is more than willing to help you with your Accounting and Bookkeeping Requirements so you can concentrate on your other business activities.

This Software Solution comes with a user friendly interface, transactions are easy to perform, and customized with readiness in different time keeping or input devices.
Equipped with user editable tables for all possible changes in government and tailored tables with import options for bulk data saving.This software solution was developed with inputs of CPAs for proper and legal processing of any amount provided in the system that caters all aspect from the processing of payroll to generation of reports.
Finance Supervision
Tested and trained by our experience, Trendstatic Business solutions can guide you in your company’s finances. Where your business is a start up or even established, it requires careful monitoring and strategizing on how money is being transferred in and out of your business.
Our services are on-point and highly efficient. With the help of our advanced accounting systems, we will see to it that your finances will never go on tilt.
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Business Process Review
There is always room for reevaluating, restructuring, reinventing and rebuilding your business. As much as humanly possible, you should prevent being stuck in a box. That is where businesses usually start to fall down.
Here at Trendstatic, Efficiency is a culture we embrace and we believe that it is never ending. In order for us to help you, we will evaluate and understand your processes where it currently stands and enhance it from that point. Every business is a different case, but we focus on the quality of how resources, employees, your chain of command, customers and technology engine your company.
Once we have a clear grasp of your business processes we will look for inefficiencies in your processes. Common inefficiencies are error and redundancy. From there, we can derive alternative courses of action and document the result and repeat the process from there. We truly care for our partners. As long as you need us, we will never stop helping.

You can be assured that with TrendStatic you will be working with, leaders with pleasant nature, sense of time, results orientated and commitment to time.

Financial Statement Analysis
Financial Statement Analysis is very important to outsource. You might think that you got your business all covered up because your Sales is a lot higher than your Cost of Sales. That is not absolutely true all the time. When you define the success of your business by the amount of profit you get annually, you got it all wrong. Where there a lot of room for errors within your business operations and there a lot of hidden costs around there that you might over-look. If you handle a single business distributed to different locations a Profit in your Financial Statements doesn’t mean you gain profit in all of your distribution channels.
Trendstatic Business Solutions will intricately evaluate your financial health and we will pin-point your areas of strengths and weaknesses. Through our advanced accounting systems, you can clearly see where your business is doing well and where you are lacking so we can formulate wise decisions to truly bring your business to success.
Tax Compliance
The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) is now requiring strict compliance with Tax Rules and Regulations, specifically Corporate Income Tax. With these pressures, it involves a lot of risk. If you can’t submit your Income Tax Return on time, you are a few notices from the termination of your business, If not handled properly. Not to mention the negative publicity it can generate to your business. It can affect your client’s perception of you. Tax compliance is really complicated and it can directly and indirectly affect your company.
TrendStatic can administer your tax compliance activities with the latest practice in the industry, so you can attend to your other business matters. We can prepare and submit your Income Tax Return, properly and on the dot.
Accounting Systems
TrendStatic helps client achieve their goal through the use of information systems such as accounting softwares, Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, and electronic systems implementations.
Accounting Software and ERP Systems
In a tight and competition-driven industry, techology will be a major determinant of whose leading and whose not.
TrendStatic helps client assess their need for adopting technology related initiatives through the use of accounting softwares or ERP Systems combined with years of experience in the Accounting Profession and Information Systems industry. TrendStatic supports client’s business goals by offering software-based solutions that meets business needs to achieve high performance and effectiveness.
Our portfolio are world class and leading softwares in the information system industry and spans multiple business process and industry.
Electronic Systems
The trend of business processes shifts from manual to automated systems. Maintain competitive edge with the use of automated systems
TrendStatic helps client adapt to the trend that the industry is switching into — technology. With the industry moving out of manual processes towards automated processes, other businesses are also going with the trend and uses automated processes to remain competitive. TrendStatic offers competitive and reliable softwares for your business processes.
Our portfolios of electronic systems are at par with the leading softwares in the electronic systems industry.
System Implementation
TrendStatic has years of experience in the information system industry. Our experience combined with our arsenal of business and electronic softwares, we provide our client with best service the industry has to offer, reduced implementation time and risk.
Since it is developed by Microsoft, it is compatible with all Microsoft applications and files. It has a user friendly interfa
QuickBooks is an accounting solution software developed by Intuit; to supervise sales, expenses, run different activities and create multiple reports with just a few clicks of a button.
QuickBooks eliminates the use of annoying tables and spreadsheets fundamental to the accounting process of any business whether micro, small, medium or giant corporations. With QuickBooks, running a business will be less stressful and manageable than ever.
QuickBooks is an accounting solution software developed by Intuit; to supervise sales, expenses, run different activities and create multiple reports with just a few clicks of a button.
QuickBooks eliminates the use of annoying tables and spreadsheets fundamental to the accounting process of any business whether micro, small, medium or giant corporations. With QuickBooks, running a business will be less stressful and manageable than ever.